
March Meet The Maker Day #2

Helen Ward


Not so much “hands” but this is my “hand” the other hand is taking the photo 😁

As you can imagine my hands are constantly busy, all day. It’s my hands that do all the work of probably somewhere around 7 people.
Cutting, placing, sewing, trimming, turning, topstitching, pressing, applying poppers 😅
And that’s just constructing the pads.
Once the pads are constructed there’s pictures to take, editing to do, website listing, wrapping the packages. The list goes on and on and on 🤣

It’s hard, tiring work for my little hands and sometimes they really do ache 😞
But I love what I do so they are always getting hand cream rubbed into them, working with fabric is really drying on the hands, and they enjoy a lovely soak in the tub.

I will never take my hands for granted, they allow me to do what I love. Although maybe they should be treated to manicure once in a while 😉

Here you can see me doing my favourite thing, topstitching, honestly I could happily topstitch all day long 😊



lady days cloth pads march meet the maker hands at work sewing

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