
March Meet The Maker Day#1

Helen Ward

⭐️ STORY ⭐️

So I thought this year I would join in with #MarchMeetTheMaker
So here goes, here’s my little story.

I’ve always been creative really. Art was the only the class that really engaged my interest at school. Although I went to college to do art, it never really worked for me and I ended up moving around a few courses. I actually started a mechanics apprenticeship but left college with a child care and education certificate. Yet I fell into retail management as an adult member of the work force.

I had been using reusables since the birth of my son 22yrs ago, 🙈 oh my god was it really 22yrs ago 😳 Around 10/11yrs ago I was really struggling to find nice new reusables but it was so hard. Online shopping wasn’t what it is today. I’d been using very basic pads I’d made for years but thought I really needed to up my game. Having created something nicer, a friend asked me for some for her daughter. She was loving them and it was then I realised that other people could be interested in switching to cloth and reap the benefits too.

8 yrs ago things weren’t going so well for my autistic son at school and it was then that I realised I needed to be at home more for him. Working full time in retail was no longer working for our family so I made the decision to leave retail and start Lady Days. This was the perfect step forward for us. I can work around pick up and drop off and my son is doing so well now. I’m so proud of his hard work. He’s even made pads for me. I hope one day when he finishes his education he will have a roll in Lady Days.

Here is a picture of my son making a pad. I’m sure you will agree he has amazing sewing skills 😊❤️ and it’s all thanks to him that Lady Days was started.



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